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Principal Investigator Position Openings
发布时间:2020-09-22 11:05:34

Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology (SIBCB), a basic research institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences (website http://www.sibcb.ac.cn/index.asp), is now seeking outstanding individuals for principal investigator positions in diverse directions of biochemistry, molecular biology and cell biology, including (but not limited to) epigenome/epigenetics, RNA biology, meiosis, stem cell biology, cell fate plasticity in cancer metabolism and immune disorders, their associated structural biology and new technology implementation and development (such as super resolution imaging).


Successful candidates are expected to develop independent and extramurally funded research programs/projects, and to participate in graduate and postdoctoral training programs.



Applicants must have (1) a Ph.D. degree, (2) at least three-year postdoctoral training, (3) sufficient research experience to demonstrate his/her significant accomplishments, (4) outstanding potential that fits the main research directions mentioned above.


How to Apply:

Curriculum vitae with a recent photo, a list of publications, a brief summary of previous accomplishments and a future research plan, and a list of three references should be sent to: Mrs. Yibin Yu, Secretary, Talents Searching Committee, SIBCB, Chinese Academy of Sciences at yibin.yu@sibcb.ac.cn

This job posting is valid until the positions are filled.


Salary and Package:

SIBCB will provide a highly competitive salary and housing subsidies, excellent laboratory space, and generous start-up funds.
